话说巴拉斯很想煮给我吃的东西,便是以下这一盘东东。看起来挺wer der 的吧。其实,吃下去更wer der。白色一团的是用牛奶煮的饭!巧克力色的是milo 粉,红色的是草莓酱!总之就是十分甜的食物。而且,由于少爷心急的关系,饭还没煮好便上碟了。当他与我说这道菜时,光是用想得我都觉得很奇怪。为什么要在饭上加milo 粉呢???
由于盛情难推,我只好战战兢兢地开始我的第一口。真是我的妈呀!apa ni ?!好难下口。。。还以为是少爷大失水准,但是他说在欧洲是这样吃饭的。所以,因该不关他的厨艺的关系。而是这道菜本来就是一个错误。好好的白米饭为什么要搞到这样甜呢?一定是食谱传去欧洲时除了什么问题吧?不然为什么会糟蹋白米饭呢?
虽然巴拉斯对我很好,不过,我还是过不了自己那一关。真的是吃不下啊,goi wui loh !我怕我继续持下去的话会。。。发生意外。正当我在烦恼该拿什么填肚子时,刚好有一位从孟加拉来的留学生正煮好kari ikan,便后脸皮地向他要了一点。好惨。希望没有打击到巴拉斯想喂饱我的决心吧?
walauA!! can eat meh?
milo + strawberry + rice
= vomit
cannot eat liek that one la!!
the rice god will cry one!
I can't stand this food, I'll have nightmares all the nights. But should be a good way to keep diet. If you are hungry, you eat this, sure you'll lose your mood to eat other foods.
guys, u are completely not aware of what u are talking about, "rice in milk" is extremely common in Europe, it's a highly appreciated dessert, children just love it! :) u should give a try! please get rid of your prejudice against sweet rice :)
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